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Section 1. Criteria of Membership
- A Bible
college or seminary shall be eligible for
membership if it satisfactorily conforms in
every respect to the Association’s
standards for that level
of institutional education.
- Each
member institution must be certified by, hold
membership in, and pay fees to the Association.
Section 2. Requirements for
All institutions
admitted into membership of the Association shall be
in accord with the Doctrinal Statement, giving proof
of same by a signed
statement each year, and shall abide by the
statements of the Constitution and By-Laws, and
shall strive constantly to maintain the academic
standards of its respective level, and shall pay the
annual fees required.
Section 3. Types of Membership
Levels of membership would be
confirmed after application submitted and a team
would visit the interested institution (at their
expense) and
provide peer review and training for next level of
A. |
Fees would be determined by
level of membership desired: |
1. Affiliate: |
$200.00/year |
2. Applicant:
a. |
fee with application:
$75.00/one time |
b. |
Once approved (following
visit): $300.00/year* |
3. Candidate:
$400.00/year** |
(based on completion of
recommendations within time
frame after visit) |
4. Member: |
$500.00/year |
B. Program status as certified :
1. Institute – non-degreed certificate
2. College (undergraduate programs)
3. Seminary (offering either one or both
graduate and post-graduate)
C. Level of membership:
1. Affiliate would be a church or para-church
institute with separate application and different
fees for developing an identity and providing
2. *Applicant for one year (IABCS will
provide consultation prior to peer review).
3. **Candidate that would have a two-year
time frame to achieve next level (after peer
4. Member has completed the three-year
D. Standardized unit of credit for academic
institutions (primarily college and seminary status
1. 15 pages of reading = one clock hour
2. 1 clock hour = 50 minutes
3. 15 clock hours = one semester credit
E. Recommendations to above listed standards:
1. Develop matriculation agreement among
membership with member schools to provide
facilitation of transfer into
accredited institutions.
2. Peer review (noted in Constitution and
By-Laws, Article III, Section 2, B.) to develop
checklist and recommendations to prepare for site
visit after training session.
4. Membership Procedures
- An
institution will express an interest in the
Association by requesting material on
Membership. This material (which shall include
application form, a copy of the evaluation
guideline, copies of administration / faculty
forms, a copy of the By-Laws, and such other
material that may be
advisable) will be sent to the institution by
the Secretary of the Association.
- The
interested institution should study the material
carefully and if they wish to pursue membership,
should send the application form
and the application
fee. The institution will then begin to write
its self evaluation report, following the
guidelines provided, and
completion, submit it to
the Executive Committee.
- The Executive
Committee will study the report and appoint a
team to visit the institution. The Visiting Team
may request additional
information before the visit, or may recommend
that the visit be postponed until the
institution can bring its standards into line
those of the Association.
When the visit is made, it will be at the
expense of the visited institution.
- The report of
the Visiting Team will be submitted to the
Executive Committee after the visit for a
thorough study in a formal meeting.
The results will be
presented to the President of the institution.
An applicant institution
may move immediately into any category of
membership upon
recommendation of the Executive
- When an
institution is accepted into any category of
membership, the first annual dues are payable,
and recognition will not be
granted until they are
paid. The application fee shall not apply toward
payment of these dues.
Section 5.
Maintaining Membership
- Membership in
this Association is maintained by the
institution meeting the Academic criteria and
standards as set forth in the By-
- All
institutions (candidate, associate, and
certified), must submit annual reports of their
present condition and their progress during
the year, pay designated dues, and have
representation or written explanation at the
annual Association meeting. The annual report
forms are to be sent to the institutions by the
first of December and they are to be returned by
the 15th of January. A penalty will be
charged to those schools
who fail to return their annual report forms on
- Each certified member
shall be re-examined each six (6) years.
- Each associate member
shall be re-examined after three (3) years.
Section 6. Termination
of Membership
in this Association may be terminated by
voluntary withdrawal in writing; action of the
Association upon recommendation
of the Executive Committee based upon proof that
such member institution no longer conforms to
the standards of the Association,
failure to pay
annual fees, or
to furnish the annual report within one year
after such are due, and after the institution
has been given full
notification of its
Section 7. Probation
An institution
may be put on probation by the Association upon
recommendation of the Executive Committee if it
fails to correct major
deficiencies after having being duly notified and
accompanied by a statement of its deficiencies. The
term of probation and conditions for
removal of probation should be clearly stated. The
Association takes action at the end of the
designated period either to withdraw the
probation or to terminate its membership.
Section 8. Dues and Fines
Institutions holding candidacy, associate or
certified membership in the Association shall
remain current with dues.
All institutions desiring
membership in the Association shall send in
their application fee along with their
application form.
- Any
institution visited by a designated
representative or designated Visiting Team of
the Executive Committee for the purpose of an
examination, shall bear
the expenses for such a visit. A minimum fee
shall be charged for all institutions examined.
- When an
institution is accepted into any category of
membership, the first annual dues are payable,
and recognition will not be
granted until they are
paid. The application fee shall not apply toward
payment of these dues.
- Any candidate
or member institution not sending a
representative to the annual meeting, or failing
to submit a written report to the
annual meeting, shall be assessed a fee set by
the Association.