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Constitution |
The name of this non-profit
organization shall be the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION
office of this organization shall be located in the
State of Georgia.
The Purpose of this Association shall be:
- To furnish a basis for fellowship and mutual
helpfulness among Christian educational
institutions of higher learning operating in the
Biblical field.
- To make it possible for Christian
institutions of higher education to continue
their evangelical and denominational integrity
and at the same time provide and maintain the
highest academic standards.
- To furnish, recognize, and verify certain
standardized requirements in various fields in
which the representative institutions operate
that will be in keeping with, and acceptable to,
other accredited institutions of higher
- To assist the institutions in offering
Christian education of postsecondary school
level for effective Christian service or
ministries through a program of Biblical,
general and professional studies that effect
student physically, mentally, socially, and
- To improve the quality of this education by
carefully described criteria of institutional
excellence that will encourage self-examination
and stimulate healthy growth
- To provide a means of membership and
certification of Bible Colleges and Seminaries,
similar to that of other national and regional
- The basis of fellowship shall be mutual and
- Institutions seeking entrance to this
Association shall subscribe officially in
writing to the following Doctrinal Statement.
- We believe that there is one God, eternally
existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired and
the only infallible authority Word of God.
- We believe in the Deity of our Lord Jesus
Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His life, in His
miracles, in His vicarious death and atonement
through His shed blood, in His bodily
resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand
of the Father, and His personal and literal
second coming in power and glory.
- We believe that man was created in the image
of God, that he was tempted by Satan and fell,
and that, because of the exceeding sinfulness of
human nature, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is
absolutely necessary for salvation.
- We believe that salvation is through
personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the present ministry of the
Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is
enabled to live a Godly life and by whom the
Church is empowered to carry out Christ’s great
- We believe in the bodily resurrection of
both the saved and the lost, the saved to the
resurrection of life and the lost unto the
resurrection of damnation.
C. All institutions uniting with this
Association shall agree to operate in keeping with
standards set up by this Association.
- This Association shall be composed of
Institutions which shall satisfactorily conform
with the doctrinal, ethical, and scholastic
standards of membership as outlined in the
Constitution and By-laws of this Association,
and which shall be accepted into membership by
vote of the Association.
- A Bible College or Seminary shall be
eligible for membership if it satisfactorily
conforms to the Associational standards
- The Membership of this Association is its
controlling body and the Officers of this
corporation are its agents. The Officers are not
to be responsible individually for torts made by
the Corporation.
The officers of this Association shall consist of: |
1. President |
3. Secretary-Treasurer |
Vice-President |
4. Executive Secretary |
B. These
officers shall constitute the Executive
Committee |
All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those
present and qualified to vote at the annual meeting of this
Association, and shall take office at the conclusion of the
Annual Meeting. The following defines term limits for the
officers of this Association:
- A term will be considered as three
- The limit will be two terms,
- After two terms, an individual can
serve again after the completion of one full term unless
there is a need due to a vacancy at which time the
President can appoint a replacement as stipulated in the
By-Laws, Article II, Section
This Association shall meet annually for times of fellowship
and inspiration, to discuss the business matters of the
Association, to bring up new and necessary improvements in
standards, to elect officers, to receive reports of and
concerning the member institutions, and to consider new
applications. Other meetings may be called by the President
during the year as necessity may demand.
this Association is
incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia, as a
corporation not for profit, and shall function only in such
capacity. B. The International Association has been
recognized by the District Director, Internal Revenue
Service, as of August 30, 1968, with regard to contributions
made to the Association: “Contributions made to you are
deductible by donors as provided in section 170 of the code.
Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to or for
your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift purposes
under the provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the
code.” C. Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the
Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provisions
of the payment of all the liabilities of the Corporation,
dispose of all of the assets of the Corporation exclusively
for the purpose of the corporation, in such a manner, or to
such organization or organizations organized and operated
exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or
scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an
exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding
provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law),
as the Executive Committee shall determine. |
- The above ARTICLES shall form the Constitution of
this Association and may be changed or amended at any
annual meeting upon the approval of 2/3 majority vote,
provided such amendments and changes have been furnished
in writing to each member institution at least 30 days
in advance.
- This Association shall set up By-Laws for governing
of membership, administration, and standards as it may
deem fitted to the need.