Article III


Section 1.   Election of Committee Members

  • Members of all committees are to be elected at the annual meeting. Committee members shall take office at the conclusion of the
    annual meeting.

Section 2.   Duties of Committees

  • Executive Committee:  The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee, which shall be empowered to act for and in
    behalf of the Association between annual meetings.
  • Visiting Teams:  Visiting Teams shall be appointed by the Executive Committee consisting of not less than two (2) or more than three
    (3) members. Visiting Teams are to review the applications and Executive Secretary’s report regarding new member schools that wish
    to be associated with the IABCS at any level. They shall make recommendations to the Executive Committee. The members of these
    teams may be changed by the Executive Committee.
  • Program Committee:  The Program Committee shall consist of the members of the Executive Committee. They shall be responsible
    for the special speakers and programs for each of the stated meetings of the Association.
  • Public Relations Committee:   Committee Members of the Public Relations Committee shall endeavor to maintain good relations
    between member institutions and the general public, especially at the annual conventions.  It shall endeavor to publish progress
    reports and other items of interest among the member institutions. It should be responsible for publication and distribution of
    promotional materials subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
  • Constitution Committee:  The Constitution Committee shall be responsible for proper wording, inclusion of approval changes, and the
    publication of the Constitution and By-Laws.
  • Information Resource Committee:  The Information Resource Committee shall formulate an annual statistical report indicating all the holding, addition, usages, etc. of each member institution.  The Information Resource Committee could recommend to the
    Association suggestions for improvement of libraries.  The Information Resource Committee should formulate guidelines for
    establishing functional libraries for Bible colleges and seminaries.  The Information Resource Committee should establish a means
    of sharing useful information with Information Resource Directors.
  • Finance Committee:  The Finance Committee is to prepare a budget to be submitted at the annual meeting.  The Finance Committee
    should review the previous year’s budget to determine if the financial needs are being met, and report to the Association its findings.
  • Statistician Committee:  The Statistician Committee shall prepare from the annual reports submitted by the institutions, and publish
    for their use, a comparative table of enrollments, faculty, qualifications, information resource development, and other relevant data which may benefit member institutions and serve as a guideline for candidate institutions.
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