Article II


Section 1.   Nomination and Elections

In an election year, a Nominating Committee shall be appointed at least one month before the annual meeting. Such appointment shall be by
the President. This committee shall present names for the officers to be filled. Other nominations may be made from the floor at the annual
meeting with prior consent of the nominee. Voting on each name shall proceed until a majority is obtained for each office. This shall
constitute election.

Section 2.   Duty of Officers

The duties of the President shall be those usually assigned to such office. The duties of the Vice-President shall be to attend to the duties of
the President in his absence, or such duties as shall be delegated to him by the President. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be to
keep accurate and complete records of all transactions of the Association, and to receive, deposit, and disburse funds of the Association, as
directed by the Association, and shall keep accurate records of such receipts and disbursements, and shall make a complete annual
financial report. The Executive Secretary shall have charge of rules, regulations, and data of the Association.

Section 3.   Vacancies

In case a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the President shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting,
when member shall be elected in the regular manner to fulfill the unexpired term.

Section 4.   Qualifications

All members elected to office in this Association shall be persons connected with member Bible institutes, colleges or seminaries and shall
be persons of integrity and reputation for their spiritual vision, devotion, and academic standing.

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